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A Healthy Diet and Healthy Immune System Lead to Good Health

In the simplest terms, food is any substance eaten to provide nutrition to an organism. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has essential nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals, required for growth and development. All living organisms need food to survive, but humans consume food, especially complex carbohydrates, in considerable quantities due to their high metabolism rates. While all food is necessary for human consumption, the type of food consumed, when eaten, determines the type of person that consumes it. Some food types are:

Animal food refers to those foods that come from animals like cattle, goats, chickens, pigs, and ducks. These foods contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients needed by humans. Plant food consists of vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains and other plant-based foods that humans cannot live without. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are considered to be a good diet for nutrition. Cereals, rice, potatoes, eggs, dairy products, and alcohol are all included in plant-based foods that help prevent good health through nutrition.

Acidic food is food with high acid content; examples of acid-forming foods include most types of meats, egg whites, fish, coffee, tea, white bread, cream, sugar, pickles, onions, garlic, and cheese. High-fat dairy products, fried foods, sweet potatoes, chocolates, junk food, red meat, processed meats, and vinegar are examples of acidic foods that help cause poor health. Good diet and exercise, a healthy lifestyle, good eating habits, and a good immune system are ways to keep the body healthy and fight off disease.

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