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Eating Healthy With Food You Eat Everyday


Eating Healthy With Food You Eat Everyday

There are several different kinds of food that we consume in our daily life. These different kinds of food provide different nutrients to our body, which help it to grow, develop and function normally. There are two types of food: soluble and insoluble. Soluble food is any material absorbed into the body; soluble food is generally of animal, plant or microbial origin, and includes necessary nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, or minerals. Insoluble food on the other hand is a substance that is not absorbed into the body, but remains in the interstitial spaces of the colon or rectum, the sigmoid or gastrointestinal tract, or the small intestines.

Foods rich in soluble fiber include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include beans, peas, whole grain cereals, legumes (especially dried beans), and whole grain breads. These foods help lower the absorption of dietary fibre. Thus, a diet consisting mainly of insoluble fiber foods can lead to poor digestion of food and loss of important nutrients. This can result in under nutrition and an unhealthy immune system.

Besides the main ingredient and seasonings, the different ways of cooking can greatly affect the nutritional value of the food. For example, to make a savoury food more palatable, you may add additional ingredients, such as herbs, spices, vinegar or lemon juice, or just leave the simple taste of the food unchanged. The addition of vegetables to the diet can also significantly improve its nutritional value, as well as making the food taste better. Vegetables such as red peppers, red onions, broccoli, squash, carrots, cabbage and sweet potatoes are often used locally and add others to the list of vegetables to eat.

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