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Product Design Principles

A design is simply a plan or blueprint for the production of an object, usually a machine, process or the end product of that plan or blueprint, or the anticipated end result of that plan or blueprint. Designing a product, building a structure, determining how to control behavior in a machine, or even determining where to put a camera are all part of the design process. The verb to design normally indicates the process of creating a design or blueprint.

The product design process normally begins with a description of the problem and product requirements then a series of product design goals and objectives. Once these goals and objectives have been defined, and once the project management process has been agreed upon, the next step is to develop a proper set of design strategies. These design strategies are used to specify the sequence of steps required to achieve the design goals and objectives.

Many designers use both formal and informal methods to design products or processes. In addition, there are designers who follow specific practices to help them in their work. The practice of using designing principles may be referred to as theory or planning. Designers who adopt this practice become more efficient and better able to meet the needs of users. Some designers even go so far as to say that formal planning and informal designing are two sides of the same coin, where the first produces a product or a process that meets users needs and the second shapes the requirements and goals of the users in a specific way that meets the needs of the designer as well.

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