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What is a Live Casino?

Aside from the usual online casino games, Live Casinos have an additional advantage – live dealers. The interaction between dealers and players is real-time, and players can elect to tip them during game play. Players can easily launch these games from their mobiles or computers, and all transactions are automatically handled. This recreates the traditional casino experience and is highly recommended, with proper bankroll management. You can play Live Casinos anywhere, at any time, and you can play from anywhere.

During live games, players can view the cards dealt by the dealer. The software will update your screen with the relevant details. The dealer will wait for all players to act before the next round is dealt. The game will end when all the players have placed bets. Unlike in traditional casinos, bets are not returned in Live Casinos; instead, they will be taken immediately. However, there is no real-time communication between the dealer and the players.

The major component of a Live Casino is the Game Control Unit. This device is about the size of a shoebox, and helps the dealer run the game. In some games, a wheel is also included in the mix. Major casino game manufacturers work closely with wheel makers to provide a wheel with sensors. This allows the casino software to communicate with the wheel. If it detects a winner, it will notify the player. In this way, live Casinos make gambling social and fun.

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