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Marketing Introduction


Marketing Introduction

Marketing is one of the most crucial aspects of the business of any type. Marketing is nothing but the process by which a firm or an organisation develops and creates awareness about its products or services so that the public and other interested parties are made aware of them. Marketing is an essential part of the advertising activity of a firm as it makes possible the recognition of the firm among the masses. It is therefore mandatory for all business organizations and organisations to develop their own marketing plan so that they can grab the attention of the public and increase their sales. Marketing is a very broad concept and it includes all the activities undertaken for the development of the organisation’s activities, for the creation of new commodities and for the promotion of existing commodities. All the marketing strategies have a common aim which is to make the public aware of the existence and quality of the products or services offered by the company or the organisation.

The marketing concept is not just limited to products and marketing but also encompasses the complete behavior of the firms and organisations. Marketing incorporates the overall strategies related to public opinion, selling techniques, social marketing concepts, demand marketing, advertising concepts, product marketing and advertising management, merchandising and selling, promotion and advertising, promotions, and financial marketing concepts and techniques. Marketing has become an essential part of any business organisation’s existence and without which the survival of the organisation would not be possible. Marketing is a very broad concept and it includes all the activities undertaken for the generation of value, for the creation of new commodities, for the promotion of existing commodities, for the recognition of the company or organisation and for the recognition of the public. All these marketing concepts are interrelated and are dependent on each other for the overall success of marketing and for its sustainability.

Marketing involves the analysis, assessment and evaluation of all the aspects of the market. Marketers determine the essence of the product concept before launching it in the market. Marketers conduct research studies and collect data related to the demand, taste and preferences of the general consumers. They create the marketing concept, explain it to the consumers and try to make the concept as beneficial as possible to the consumers. When the marketing concept is successful, the marketers exploit the consumers by providing them quality goods and services.

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