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Types of Design Processes


Types of Design Processes

Design is the artistic conception of things. A design is a blueprint or description of the arrangement of something in space, in shape, form or detail, or its resultant effect, or even the resultant result of this artistic conception in the shape of a model, implement or apparatus, or the ultimate result of such a description or blueprint. The word ‘design’ is therefore used in a broader sense, to denote the whole course of artistic conception, though without including such things as architectural design, sculpture, and the production of artistic works such as paintings. The verb to design also denotes the process of generating a design, though in this case, literally, it refers to the act of drawing or creating plans or models.

A rational model is a well-constructed design, i.e., a model that follows either a prescribed structure or one determined by a prescribed goal. Rational models are necessary in order to satisfy certain requirements, such as the requirement for a computer to operate machines, or for a vehicle to drive. The term, rational model, therefore, refers to a model that is conceived, produced and tested in accordance with the prescribed logical structure. A rational design process is a systematic way of designing and conceptualizing a physical object, a structure or a process and evaluating its properties. It is an evaluation based upon a range of considerations.

An action-oriented perspective is a more specific kind of rational model, which characterizes the methods of architects, designers and engineers when they design physical buildings, processes, products or systems. This perspective characterizes the organizational approach of designers who adopt a problem-solving approach, where the aim is to create a building, system or component that solves a problem. Action-oriented designers employ the help of many different kinds of models and techniques, such as the R-process (which stands for “reduction” in a mathematical term), when solving problems. In addition, action-oriented designers follow a sequence of actions in order to achieve their objective. In a design process that is action-oriented, designers concentrate on the creation of a physical object, and then exploit the appropriate techniques to design it efficiently.

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